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January 22, 2015
Minutes of the Princeton Historical Commission
January 22, 2015
Town Hall Annex, 7 PM

Attendees:  Joyce Anderson, Sheila Dubman, Joe Lee, Matt Lindberg and Mickey Splaine.  

Members accepted the meeting minutes from December, 2014.

Annual Report:
The group discussed Sheila’s draft of the PHC submission for the Annual report. After accepting a minor correction, unanimously voted to approve.
Next FY Budget:
The group agreed to accept recommendation to request level funding.
Reorganization of Committee:
Sheila asked to be relieved of Chairmanship because of health issues. Joyce agreed to act as co-chair. The group discussed options and agreed, for the time being, to appoint Joyce and Sheila as co-chairs. Sheila remains will continue to prepare agendas, submit minutes, post meetings, etc.
Installation of Meetinghouse Cemetery Storage Vaults:
  • Mickey has marked the spot with surveyor’s tape and notified Andy Brown, Cemetery Superintendent. The selected spot is outside of the burial ground, well hidden from public view and is not mowed as part of Cemetery maintenance.
  • As the ground is freezing, the vault cannot be buried until the spring. Mickey will coordinate with Glen and Sheila will communicate with the Cemetery Commission. We will organize a work detail to place the stone fragments in the vault in the spring.
Bagg Hall second floor:
Joyce has expressed our concern about the weight of stored items and asked John Lebeaux to speak with John Wilson. She will attend the upcoming meeting about town-owned properties to ensure that this issue is acknowledged.
  • Mickey agreed to share a copy of the engineering report done for Mechanic’s Hall.
  • Joyce reported no progress with homeowners regarding Boylston Manor National Register nomination.
  • Sheila agreed to resend Town Common guideline draft to members for comment.
Next Meeting: February 19, 2015
Respectfully submitted, Mickey Splaine and Sheila Dubman